How To Automate Screen Recording In Appium

In this article, we will learn why we need to automate screen recording in Appium and how to automate screen recording in Appium mobile automation framework. What is Appium? Appium is an open-source mobile automation framework that aims to support the automation of native, hybrid and web apps on different platforms like Android, iOS and … Read more

How To Start Appium Server Programmatically

Appium is an open-source automation tool, known for testing mobile apps across various platforms. In the last article, we have seen how we can start with Appium 2.0. In this post, we will learn different ways to start Appium server Programmatically using Java. Advantages of Appium Server Automation Generally, we start the appium server using … Read more

How To Get Started With Appium 2.0?

Mobile application testing is a crucial aspect of software development to ensure that applications function seamlessly across various devices and platforms. In this post, we will learn how to get started with Appium 2.0. What is Appium? Appium is a popular, open-source and free-to-use tool that offers automation for different platforms like Android, IOS, Windows … Read more

What Is New In Appium 2.0?

Appium 2.0 beta version was launched in 2021 and Now Appium has officially released version 2.0. With this release, major changes have been introduced in Appium, which can break the already running test suites. In this Appium 2.0 migration guide, I have tried to list the known changes that can break the existing code. I … Read more

Appium Tips And Tricks

Mobile Automation Using Appium

How To Launch Virtual Devices Automatically We can launch virtual devices automatically by using “avd” Capability. Add this capability to your script and execute the code. The configured emulator will launch automatically. However, it may take some time to launch the device and cause a timeout issue. To resolve that add the “avdLaunchTimeout” capability. Now … Read more