Leveraging New Java Features for Test Automation: A Comprehensive Guide

Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in software development and test automation frameworks. With each major release, it introduces new features thus enabling automation developers to enhance the testing frameworks and processes. In this article, we will explore how we can use the New Java features for test automation … Read more

Get Started With Maven In Test Automation

Maven developed by Apache Software Foundation is a popular build automation and management tool. Its goal is to make the build process consistent and simple. Maven in test automation framework used to manage the framework’s build compilation, execution, and documentation. Why Maven Project Is Required? Maven has a pom.xml file that contains the project configuration … Read more

How to Rerun Failed Test Cases In Cucumber Project (2024)


In automation testing efficiency is the key aspect of any framework. Selenium and Cucumber emerged as strong automated testing technologies, allowing testers to enhance their processes and identify bugs faster. However, managing test scripts can be challenging, especially when dealing with failures. In this article, we’ll explore how to rerun failed test cases in Cucumber … Read more

How To Publish ExtentReport Using Jenkins


Jenkins is a powerful automation tool that allows continuous integration and continuous delivery of projects, regardless of the platform we are working on. It is free and can be integrated with several testing and deployment technologies. In this article, we will see, how we can execute our tests on slave agents and publish ExtentReport Using … Read more

How To Automate Screen Recording In Appium

In this article, we will learn why we need to automate screen recording in Appium and how to automate screen recording in Appium mobile automation framework. What is Appium? Appium is an open-source mobile automation framework that aims to support the automation of native, hybrid and web apps on different platforms like Android, iOS and … Read more

How to Add Extent Report in the Selenium-Cucumber Framework

In the Test automation framework, it is important to generate visually appealing HTML reports for effective communication of test execution results. In this post, we will learn how to integrate Extent Report in the Selenium Cucumber Framework. What is ExtentReport? Extent Report is a powerful, open-source library used in testing automation frameworks for generating beautiful … Read more

How To Use TestNg Data Provider

TestNg (Testing framework for the next generation) is developed specifically for Java programming Language. It is similar to Junit but offers additional functionalities like additional annotations, parallel execution support etc. In this post, we will delve into the TestNg data provider and its usage in detail. What is Parameterization? Parameterization is the important concept of … Read more

How To Configure Multiple Environments in Playwright

In this article, we will explore how to configure multiple environments in Playwright test automation framework to optimize the testing process. What is Cross-Environment Testing? Often applications have multiple environments like development, staging and production. Testing across different environments also known as Cross-environment testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the robustness and reliability of … Read more