How To Build and Deploy Applications Using Docker

In this article, We will explore how we can Build and deploy applications using docker on an Amazon EC2 instance. What is Docker? Docker is an open-source platform for developing, testing, shipping, and deploying applications within containers. Docker provides a way to package and distribute applications with all their dependencies, ensuring consistency across different environments, … Read more

How To Use Pylint To Write Clean Python Code

Pylint is a linting tool used to analyse the Python code and identify the issues. In this post, we will learn how to use Pylint in Python. What is Linting? Linting is the process of adhering to coding standards. It helps maintain a consistent code style within the project and makes the codebase more readable … Read more

Monolith Vs Microservices | Choosing the Right Architecture for Your Project

In this article, we will learn about the Monolith Vs Microservices architecture. Monolith Architecture Monolith architecture is an architectural design where an entire application is bound or packaged as a single unit. It is a classic software design in which the application’s features, functionalities, and components are tightly coupled in a single codebase. It’s like … Read more

How To Use GitHub Actions

In this article, we will explore the GitHub actions and workflows and how can we use Github Actions in the Selenium framework. What are GitHub Actions Github action is a platform provided by Github to automate various tasks and workflows such as build, test and deployment in the software development lifecycle. GitHub actions are very … Read more

Jenkins Pipeline Tutorial: How to Create Jenkins Pipeline

The Jenkins Pipeline is a collection of procedures required for consistently creating and evaluating applications. It is intended to move the product from version control to a user-facing release by expanding continuous delivery practice capabilities. Types of Jenkins Pipeline Jenkins supports 2 types of pipelines. 1)Declarative: Declarative pipeline provided limited pre-defined syntax and its relatively … Read more

How To Use Jenkins With Maven & Schedule Jenkins Periodic Build

In this article, we will learn about the Jenkins tool, its Architecture and its advantages. We will also see how to use Jenkins with Maven build tool. What Is Jenkins? Jenkins is an open-source automation tool that helps to automate the software development process – building, testing, and deployment to production or different servers. It … Read more

How To Integrate SonarQube With Jenkins

This post intends to guide users on integrating SonarQube with Jenkins. What is SonarQube SonarQube is a very popular code quality management tool that is used widely for code analysis to identify code smells, possible bugs, and performance enhancements. SonarQube supports many popular programming languages like Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, Kotlin, Scala etc. It also … Read more

Chatbot Testing | How To Test A Chatbot

ChatBot Testing

This article is written to educate the user about chatbots, types of chatbots, chatbot testing and chatbot automation testing using Botium. I have used Botium CLI to perform the automation testing of the chatbot. What is a Chatbot A chatbot is a piece of software designed to have interactions with humans. Chatbots are often referred … Read more

How To Do API Load Testing With Gatling

APIs are the foundation of every software. Conducting API Load Testing is a great way to minimize performance risks and obtain useful feedback for an application by ensuring that an API can handle an expected load to increase its scalability and performance. Gatling is a handy tool to conduct stress tests, capacity tests, and performance tests. What Is A Performance Test? … Read more