How To Create Zip Files Using JavaScript

Zipping is the process of compressing files or folders into a single archive file with the “.zip” extension. It is very useful in reducing the overall size of the files, making them more efficient for storage, transmission, and distribution. This article guides you on how to zip files using JavaScript. Compressing test results, logs or … Read more

How To Generate a Playwright Report

An important aspect of any test automation framework is its ability to generate user-friendly, informative detailed reports. Reports offer insightful information about the execution of each test case. The development team can quickly identify and address problems by using these reports to highlight test failures. In this tutorial, we will generate a Playwright report using … Read more

How To Build a Playwright Page Object Model

In my previous posts, I have already covered Microsoft Playwright installation, its features and architecture and how it is different from other automation tools. Furthermore, I also demonstrated how to write the first test script using the Playwright record and playback tool Codegen. In this article, I will cover how to build a Playwright Page … Read more

How To Use Playwright Codegen For Test Recording

In my previous posts, I have covered how to install Playwright using the command line and I’ve also discussed the process using the VSCode extension. In this post, I will cover how to write and execute Playwright Javascript tests using the Playwright Codegen feature. What is Codegen Playwright? Playwright Codegen is a test recorder tool … Read more

How To Install Playwright Tool?

Playwright is a modern test automation tool developed by Microsoft for end-to-end testing. In the previous post, I did a comparison of the Playwright tool with other test automation tools like Cypress and Selenium. In this article, I will discuss how we can install Playwright to use it in test automation. Playwright Installation We can … Read more

Playwright vs Cypress vs Selenium: Which Is Right for You

In this article, we will learn about the Playwright testing tool and see how it differs from other test automation tools in terms of architecture and other features. We will also make a comparison and gather insight into the battle of Playwright vs Cypress vs Selenium. What is Playwright? Playwright is a node.js library developed … Read more

How To Start Appium Server Programmatically

Appium is an open-source automation tool, known for testing mobile apps across various platforms. In the last article, we have seen how we can start with Appium 2.0. In this post, we will learn different ways to start Appium server Programmatically using Java. Advantages of Appium Server Automation Generally, we start the appium server using … Read more

How To Get Started With Appium 2.0?

Mobile application testing is a crucial aspect of software development to ensure that applications function seamlessly across various devices and platforms. In this post, we will learn how to get started with Appium 2.0. What is Appium? Appium is a popular, open-source and free-to-use tool that offers automation for different platforms like Android, IOS, Windows … Read more

How To Use GitHub Actions

In this article, we will explore the GitHub actions and workflows and how can we use Github Actions in the Selenium framework. What are GitHub Actions Github action is a platform provided by Github to automate various tasks and workflows such as build, test and deployment in the software development lifecycle. GitHub actions are very … Read more

How To Generate HTML Report In Cypress Framework

In Our previous posts, we already learnt How to create a Cypress-Cucumber framework with a Page Object Model. In this article, we will learn how to generate a beautiful HTML report in Cypress framework. This will help us in identifying the bugs and errors way faster. Please Read the below articles related to Cypress E2E … Read more