In this article, we will cover important Rest Assured Interview Questions for Test Automation Engineers.
1) What is Rest-Assured?
Rest Assured is a popular open-source Java-based library developed and maintained by Johan Haleby and widely used for testing Restful APIs.
2) Why should you Use Rest Assured Over Postman for Automated Testing?
Both Postman and Rest Assured have their advantages and disadvantages: I choose Rest Assured because it is a Java DSL hence code can be designed in such a way as to maintain reusability, the more the reusability, the lesser the maintenance cost. Scripts can be designed using a behaviour-driven approach or a data-driven approach per the requirements. Reports can be customized but it is not possible in Postman.
3) How does Rest Assured work internally?
Rest assured internally uses Groovy language. Groovy comes with a path expression language called GPath. it is used to extract responses and works for both XML and JSON.
4) How to add Rest Assured to a Maven project?
To Add Rest Assured in Maven project add below mentioned dependency in pom.xml.
5) How to send a GET request using Rest Assured?
Get is the HTTP method that is used to fetch the information from the server.
RestAssured.given() method is used to set up the preconditions for the request. Here we are providing the base URL using the base URI() method.
When() is used to specify the action to be performed, it shows that a GET request will be made to resource ‘/endpoint’.
then() It is used to perform assertions or validations on the response.
statusCode() is the verification point to assert whether the condition was successfully met or not.
6) How to log response in Rest Assured only in the case of an error.
User ifError() method. It Logs everything only if an error occurs.
public void logOnlyIfError()
7) How to mask header information in API testing?
From Rest Assured version 4.2.0 we can hide header information by blacklisting it so that it will not be shown in the request or response log.
given().config(config().logConfig(logConfig().blacklistHeader("apikey"))). ..
see the response image below for reference.

To mask multiple headers create a set of headers and pass the collection in the blacklistHeaders() method.
Set<String> headers= new HashSet();
headers.add("secreat key");
8) How to send multivalue headers in Rest Assured?
Rest Assured supports sending multiple header values in the header method.
.header("multivalue header","value1","value2")
9) Explain different ways of extracting a single field from a response body.
1)Use the Response object
RequestSpecification request = RestAssured.given();
Response resp=request.baseUri("http://localhost:4001")
2)By Using the JsonPath Class
The JsonPath class is part of the Rest Assured library which allows us to work with JSON path expressions to extract specific values using a concise and readable syntax.
JsonPath jpath=new JsonPath(resp.asString());
10) How to validate the response time of the request using rest assured?
The response time of the request can be measured using a simple long matcher.
11) What is the difference between path params and query params and how to use them?
Path params are used to identify resources on the server while query params are used to sort/filter resources. Query params are key-value-like pairs that appear after the question mark in the URL while path params come before the question mark.
How to pass Path Param:
void test() {
.pathParam("user", "users/qaautomatonhub")
How to pass query Param:
public void verifyRepos(){
<meta charset="utf-8">RestAssured.given()
.when().get("<meta charset="utf-8">https://http://localhost:4001/users")
12) Explain the Request specification and response in Rest Assured.
Request Specification and Response both are rest assured interfaces. Request specification allows specifying how the request will look like. The request Specification Interface has methods to define the base URL, base path, headers, body, etc. The response interface extends the ResponseBody, and ResponseOptions interfaces and is used to return a response to the request.
13) How to use Basic Authentication in Rest Assured?
Basic authentication is used to ensure that only the authorized users can access/View the API’s.
RestAssured.given().auth().basic(username, password)
RestAssured.given().auth().preemptive().basic("username", "password")
This is the simplest form of authentication which takes only a username and password encoded in base 64 format.
14) How to download a file using rest assured?
We can extract and download the file as a Byte Array and then verify its length.
public void test() {
byte[] dowloadedFile = RestAssured.given()
System.out.println("Download File Size : "+dowloadedFile.length);
15) How to upload a media file using Rest Assured?
To upload a file, rest assured library provides a multipart() method. By using this method we can provide the media URL and the content type.
public void upload() {
File file = new File("myavatar.png");
Response resp= RestAssured.given()
.multiPart("media_url", file,"application/octet-stream").when()
String url=resp.path("url");
16) How to perform API chaining(Pass value from one API to another API)?
We can pass data using the ITestContext interface of TestNG.This interface provides context or information about the execution of a test suite. This interface has 2 very useful methods getAttribute () and setAttribute(). With the help of these methods, we can set and get the values that will be used in API chaining.
public void createBooking(ITestContext context)
int bookingId = RestAssured
// Storing data in a context to use for other tests
context.setAttribute("bookingId", bookingId);
public void updateBooking(ITestContext context)
int bookingId = (int) context.getAttribute("bookingId");
.header("Authorization","Your token").contentType(ContentType.JSON)
This interface can retrieve parameters defined at the suite level using the getSuite()
17) Can we write RestAssured.with() instead of RestAssured.given()? What is the difference?
Yes we can use any of the below-mentioned approaches like
RequestSpecification requestwith = RestAssured.with();
RequestSpecification requestgiven = RestAssured.given();
Both work in the same way, The only difference between {@link #with()} and {@link #given()} is syntactical.
18) How to send a Nested JSON object as a payload?
Example JSON:
{"workspace": {
"name": "workspace",
"id": "X123"
Create a hashmap and store objects in it. Refer to the below code.
HashMap<String,Object> mainobj= new HashMap()<String,Object>();
HashMap<String,String> subobj= new HashMap()<String,String>();
19) Write a code snippet to fetch cookies.

20) Can you use rest assured with c#?
No, Rest assured is Java DSL. To use with c# we have RestSharp. Which is also an HTTP library.
21) How to validate XML response in rest assured?
To validate the XML response we need to use Content-Type as ‘ContentType.XML’ and need to import the following package
import io.restassured.path.xml.XmlPath;
Sample XML payload
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
The code should be like
String r = given().accept(ContentType.XML).when().get("/").thenReturn()
XmlPath x = new XmlPath(r);
System.out.println("Order Id: " + x.getString("nresponse.orderID"));
22) Why does Rest Assured use static import?
Static import is a feature of the Java programming language that allows you to use members such as fields and methods that were scoped as public static in their container class without naming the class in which they were defined.
23) How to do JSON schema Validation in API testing?
How to do JSON schema validation.
24) How do you handle timeouts in Rest Assured?
To handle timeouts, rest assured provides the timeout() method. We can provide the required value in this method while hitting the endpoint.
25) Why do we use the relaxedHTTPSValidation() method in the Rest Assured?
This method disables SSL/TLS certificate validation. It is useful for testing on environments with self-signed certificates.
26) How to check that a specific item is present in a collection using Rest Assured?
In Rest Assured, hasItem() function checks if a specified item exists in a collection. Example: .body("items", hasItem("value"))
.It is part of the Hamcrest Matcher Library.
.statusCode(200) // Assuming the response code is 200
.body("items", Matchers.hasItem("text1"))
27) What is the purpose of the statusLine() method in response validation?
The statusLine()
method in Rest Assured Library validates the entire status line of the response, including the HTTP version and status code.
Assert.assertEquals(statusLine /*actual value*/, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
/*expected value*/, "Correct status code returned");
We can see in the above code snippet that the status line consists of [Http Protocol Version, Status Code, Status String].
28) Write code snippet for delete request.
Delete request is used to delete the resource from the server for the requested endpoint. It returns different response codes based on the action performed for example 202,204,200,404 etc.
.pathParam("resourceId", resourceIdToDelete)
.statusCode(204); // Assuming that a successful DELETE request returns a status code of 204 (No Content)
29) What is web socket API?
Web socket API is a type of API that supports bi-directional communication, unlike Rest API which supports only uni-directional communication. It is suitable for real-time applications as it stores data hence its stateful. These APIs are faster than the Rest APIs’ but are complex in nature.
30) What are the best practices for developing a maintainable Rest Assured Framework?
1)Separate test data, test logic, and assertions using a modular approach.
2)Reduce code duplication by implementing reusable helper methods or classes.
3)Variable and method names should be meaningful and descriptive.
4)To make troubleshooting easier, implement effective error handling and logging.
31) What is basePath() in Rest-Assured?
basePath() is a method in the Rest assured library that is used to set a common path to all the requests in the test class to prevent the repetition of base URLs for each individual request.
32) How to disable URL Encoding in Rest assured?
URL encoding is enabled by default in Rest assured. In some special cases, it is required to disable the URL encoding.
33) How to pass multi-value parameters?
First, create a list of String and add params values in this list. Then pass this param list to the param method().
List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
given().param("ParamsList", values). ..
34) What is formParam() method in Rest Assured?
The “formparam()” method is used to send multiple form parameters as a key-value pair/Json Object at once to the HTTP request.
.formParam("username", "aqh")
.formParam("password", "aqh")
35) How to check if a specific field is present or not in the JSON response?
Either we can use the equals method or Hamcrest matcher.
Using Hamcrest Matcher
.body("$", hasKey("lastname"))
.body("$", not(hasKey("age")));
36) How to validate more than one possible status code using Rest Assured?
By using the Hamcrest Matcher framework’s anyOf() method we can validate more than one possible status code. Refer to the below code.
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf;
import static;